My introduction to .NET Micro Framework

My report on starting a project using the .NET framework with GHI Electronics modules

I recently started a project where I was required to work on the .NET Micro Framework. This is some of my thoughts on using the .NET Micro Framework (.NETMF).


I must admit that in the past I've never really given much attention to the .NETMF. I don't know if it was just ignorance, but I never really gave serious consideration to using the .NETMF in projects or for commercial work.

That all changed when I was approached by a client to make improvements and bug fixes to an existing system. If I had developed the systems from scratch then the .NETMF probably wouldn't have featured, but this was an existing system so I could not really change anything.

Nevertheless I was still excited to learn about .NETMF and find out how it could be advantageous to a project.

First impressions of .NETMF

I must say my first impression of .NETMF was quite a positive one.

Obviously the development environment with Visual Studio 2010 worked very well, and I was quickly up and running and debugging on the clients hardware after I installed Visual Studio and all the necessary bits. Everything worked without incident.

I was really impressed with how easy the debugging was using Visual Studio 2010. I could easily set up breakpoints and inspect variables using the VS2010 IDE.

The hardware

The clients hardware made use of a module from GHI Electronics. I was also impressed with the offering from GHI Electronics. Their modules seemed capable of and powerfull enough for the task at hand. They've got good documentation and examples on their website. For this project the client used a GHI EMX Module. The module has an impressive feature list (copied directly from their website):

Processor 72 Mhz 32-bit ARM7
System Platform .Net Micro Framework
Development Library Premium
User Available Flash 2.539 MB
User Available RAM 11 MB
Analog In 7
I2C Yes
Networking Ethernet TCP/IP, WiFi, and SSL
Analog Out 1
USB Client Debugging
USB Host Yes
1-Wire Yes
Real Time Clock Yes
In-Field Update Yes
Native LCD Controller Yes
Supported Image Type BMP, GIF, JPG
Memory Cards Yes
File System FAT16/FAT32
Power Consumption 200 / 160 / 40 mA
Operating Temp. -40°C to +85°C
Dimensions 45.75 x 39.4 x 4.4 mm
Weight 8 g

The real benefit I felt was that the .NETMF makes it easy as pie to access and control these peripherals. You also have internet communications with TCP/UDP protocols. HTTP and FTP protocols are also supported. Drivers for FAT16/32 comes standard.

Follow up

In the next few weeks I will write about my experiences with .NETMF. From my first introduction to .NETMF I must say that I was really impressed and that I am looking forward to work and learn in this environment.

armand Tuesday 29 April 2014 - 9:02 pm | | Default
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