QT Problem: Unknown module(s) in QT: webkit webkitwidgets

Unknown module(s) in QT: webkit webkitwidgets

Herewith a solution to QT error: Unknown module(s) in QT: webkit webkitwidgets on ubuntu based linux installations.


I just installed QT on lubuntu 14.10 today. Unfortunately I experienced a problem when trying to make a HTML5 application. The error was: "Unknown module(s) in QT: webkit webkitwidgets"


It turns out the problem is that QT needs the webkit module development files installed. A bit of googling revealed that the follwing should be enough to fix the problem:

sudo apt-get install libqt5webkit5-dev

I hope this will help a few people out there.

armand Friday 10 April 2015 - 09:40 am | | Default

three comments


How do you do on windows ?

Nicolas, - 07-07-’16 21:45
Armand Jordaan

Hi Nicolas, unfortunately I have not encountered this problem on Windows so I cannot tell you how to fix it on Windows.

Armand Jordaan, - 06-09-’16 06:04

Awesome, thank you!

Ubuntu 16.04 user

Sean, - 31-12-’18 05:40
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